your choice

For student services in Russia

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Your choice of the best companies to serve and help students

We are proud of our long experience in this field and welcome all foreign students wishing to study in Russia

Why you have to choice your choice company ?

Your choice company has several branches to serve students and other services such as serving visitors and arrivals to Russia from reception insurance and housing insurance for them

We are here in your choice company strive always to be one of the best companies to serve students and are keen to help you achieve your dream and ambitions

Мы записали более 50 тысяч студентов и помогли им реализовать свои мечты

Зарегистрируйтесь сейчас


Office address in Moscow

Office address in Syria

Syria-Suwayda-tarshan square-VIP Building 4th floor

Office address in Lebanon

Tyre plastic surgery center

Dr . Ali Abdul Ali …

Lebanon photos …sea gel

Orient Street.. Behind the coastal market ..The second building is facing the sea..

00961 3463684

00961 70345522

00961 7345522

Working hours are from 8am to 3PM

Office address in Iran

Gonbad Kavous city, Daneshjoo boulevard, next to the university
Number: +989033569350
WhatsApp and telegram: +79917244850
Instagram: your.choice475